
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Eastern Cities

Arysia's eastern half is characterized by a lot of small towns that fancy themselves cities, in the fashion of the large metropolises of the north. Liking glory but full of small timers, the East is the rising point of the sorceress Mortia.

Moderators: Roy Foxheart, Aderyn

3 20 The Search for Nathaniel
by _~DarkBahamutNeo~_
Jul 28, 2009 6:01:16 GMT 5.5
No New Posts Villages of the West

The west is beautiful and wild, with the mountains on one side and the glittering north on the other. This is made up of many small hamlets, but there are extraordinarily skilled magicians found here. Raffelia too was born here.

Moderators: Aderyn, Roy Foxheart

2 17 The Discovery of Evil (open)
by phoenix
Jun 6, 2009 11:14:10 GMT 5.5
No New Posts River Tonhes

A beautiful river, this is the major source of water for most of Arysia, and prone to flooding every now and then. It divides the east and the west parts, and flows from the mountains of the south. It has a few bridges as crossing points.

Moderators: Aderyn, Roy Foxheart

2 59 Long, long time [Open]
by Destiny
Jul 2, 2009 20:29:37 GMT 5.5

Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
Arysia - Center

Arysia's center is widely divided into two parts, east and west, but all in all it encompasses so small a area, and an area that is so encroached upon by the north and south, that is can be easily be clubbed together. The two parts are seperated by a river.
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